
Sunday 14 July 2013

Hong Kong


The last stop of our epic 16 month journey, the magical Hong Kong. We stayed on Kowloon in a lovely little hotel called Inn Sight which was nice and clean but literally tiny. This wasn't too much of an issue as we barely spent any time in the room, we were only in Hong Kong for 48 hours!

On Day 1 we explored Kowloon, took a walk up Nathan road and visited some markets, you do get hassled quite a lot on Kowloon, a lot more than we experienced in Thailand, people trying to sell you 'genuine' Rolex watches and Mulberry handbags. This can get a bit annoying, you literally have to ignore them and walk on by. We were lucky enough to have beautiful weather during our stay, so we could top up our tans before returning to the UK. 

In the afternoon we boarded the Star Ferry and headed over to Hong Kong Island. This is the cheapest mode of transport in the world, equivalent of 20p!! Once on Hong Kong Island we had a lovely meal in SoHo and then took the rickety old tram up to 'The Peak'. I have never seen such a busy place. The tram was so full and literally goes up a vertical mountain side.

Well worth it though as the views from the top where incredible, Hong Kong is huge! There are sky scrapers as far as the eye can see on one side, and then on the other there are beautiful landscape views of the islands and ocean.

We Stayed up The Peak until sunset and watched the city turn in to a sea of light which was awesome! We did have to stay up there quite a long time until the sun actually set and it was spectacular! The ICC building also put on a lights show which was cool. We had our dinner from a restaurant on The Peak which overlooked the Hong Kong skyline. Very posh. 

We managed to get the last Star Ferry over to Kowloon and the views of HK island from the water were pretty great.

On Day 2 we took a walk around the Kowloon Gardens where we saw the comic book statues, they where huge! It was boiling on this day and we tried to top up our tans to make up for the lack of sun in Thailand.

During the rest of the day we explored the South East of Kowloon and ended up at the ICC building. We decided to go up it to the 100th floor where you get spectacular 360 views. We could see right over to The Peak and amazing views of Kowloon. 

In the evening we had a lovely meal to celebrate our last day of travelling! We ended up in a Michelin Star restaurants which we didn't even realize until we had left! Was very good food though, and we had a few spare HK dollars as we had done a major over budget, HK is not as expensive as we were lead to believe.

After our meal we visited the 'Avenue of Stars'  where we saw hand prints of Jet Li and Jackie Chan. This is also an amazing spot to get crystal clear views of HK island and the lights of the buildings reflected in the water. 

Our 48 hours in Hong Kong was a perfect way to end our journey, we were excited to get home to England and neither of us could sleep the night before the flight. We are home now and I wouldn't mind doing it all again to be honest!

 We will always have the memories! 
Thanks for reading. 
Sarah xxx

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