
Friday 2 March 2012

Los Angeles

I have come to the conclusion there are no celebrities in LA...

The flight from London wasn't too bad, probably because we had our amazing sky couch! was pretty comfy… we were massively jet lagged though, up at 6am on our first day in LA and went exploring!

We ate our breakfast in a cute little diner, where I had the best Strawberry Pancakes and Nick had a Fry-up.We filled out day with classic touristy adventures, walking down Hollywood Boulevard, following the stars to the Chinese theatre show and seeing who has the same hand print as us! My hand fits PERFECTLY with Johnny Depp.. Coincidence?! I think not! We went celeb spotting in an open bus tour around Hollywood's hot spots, hitting up Rodeo Drive and Beverly hills. We saw a lot of famous places, but no famous people!

We came to the conclusion that most of LA is a film set, we were lucky to get to the Chinese theatre early as by the afternoon it had a camera crew set up and restricted access!

We ventured to the ‘famous’ farmers market, I had never heard of it.. but I was happy to go to another famous place, and it was AMAZING! Jazz music was everywhere, just playing out of some secret speakers as you walked down the street! The shops were all quirky and cute and there was a Pink Berry AKA the best place in the frozen yogurt world!

After a long day of sight seeing we headed back to our hostel, which turned out to be in the Korean quarter. So in keeping with our surroundings we went to a traditional Korean restaurant for dinner... not your typical dining out experience I might add! We had an all you can eat menu, and we cooked the food ourselves, on a stove, which was placed on our table! A fun night out though, dabbling in many weird and wonderful delicacy!

Day 2 in LA we got on a bus heading to Santa Monica beach. It was quite windy so my tan hasn't been topped up yet! We had fun on the beach though and walked across the pier ( which I recognised from most Hollywood films!). We had our lunch at Forest Gumps 'Bubba Gump Shrimp', which is actually a fish restaurant.. who knew?! Luckily they had chicken as well.

We had a great time in LA but we where very Jet Lagged and only there for two days! I also found it very dirty, it wasn't at all like I imagined it would be, the Glitz and Glam of Hollywood is kept very close to Hollywood and the rest of LA is poverty and crime stricken. To be honest it is not a place I aim to go back to, but we are glad we did it.

We are in Fiji now, just booked our 7 day island hopping trip and chilling at our hostel.  It’s all very exciting!! We have been into town today and blessed by the locals! More about that in my next post.


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