
Friday 1 June 2012

Life in Queenstown

Come to Queenstown and enjoy a Fergburger, A money shot cocktail and do the Pog Mahones impossibly hard pub quiz!

Shoulder season is finally over, Wahoo!! And the town is getting busier. Me and Nick have both landed jobs with NZSki so we will be on the mountain most days and have a free lift pass for our days off! I can also get free Snow Boarding lessons so hopefully I will pick it up pretty quick. We have spent quite a bit of money on all our gear so I hope I don't suddenly decide I want to take up ski-ing instead! Nick is in love with his Battaleon Evil twin triple base technology snowboard (I just don't know what any of that means!). And I love my snowboarding boots! They are like moon boots!!

We have been in Queenstown nearly two months now and I have literally been having the worlds longest holiday! I did have a trial at a night club a few weeks ago, it was a cocktail bar with the biggest spirit collection in the Southern Hemisphere(A lot of things in NZ seem to be the biggest thing in the Southern Hemisphere)! Anyway I didn't get the job... pretending to know how to make cocktails didn't work out too well for me.. I think I blew it when I didn't know the difference between Rum and Whiskey!! But it was all good as I had the interview for NZSki the next day and got the job in Food and Beverage for Coronet Peak.

Celebrating my birthday here was so much fun. Bizarre that my birthday was in Autumn though! Nick treated me to a lovely meal in a really nice pub on the harbor, it was really cute with an open fire, fairy lights and live music! We had a great time and the food was amazing! They even had a wine that was called Rabbit something.. so I drank a lot of that! Then we went for a birthday stroll through QT Gardens, it was so nice.

The night life in QT is really fun. Although its still a bit strange to be going out in clothes that I wear in the day.. I want some heels!!  We have a few favorite places to drink now, but we have to be careful to make sure we know whats going on as events pop up all over the place. For example we were heading to Subculture one night for some Drum and Base and it turned out to be a Maori Hip Hop Evening! Not Ideal!

Its also pretty expensive to go out, so the best place to have a party is a house party!! They are always epic! A bit like in American movies!! Unfortunately we could never have one in our tiny little house, but we have had a few social events squeezed into our little room, such as movie nights and we have hosted a dinner party!! We have got a bit of a 'Come Dine with Me' competition going on at the moment so we get free food every week!

Nick has taken up Ice Hockey since being here, It is so fun to watch! On the first day none of the boys had any balance, it was hilarious!! But now they are getting better. I  played on the Ice the other day, was quite wobbly at first but then my figure skating moves came back to me!

We have been doing quite a lot of free things until we start earning, such as day trips to Arrow Town which are really fun. Its the cutest little village and has a really nice brewery with an open fire! I am loving the open fires in all the Restaurants and Bars. It is literally FREEZING in QT now.. I need to get some thermals!! Luckily our little house stays quite warm and Nick brought me a hot water bottle which I probably couldn't live without! 

We have also been feeding the ducks as a little free activity! They are the fattest ducks I have ever seen! And literally swamp you as soon as they see bread, It was quite scary the first time we fed them!!

So everything is working out just perfectly, I start work on Tuesday and Nick starts the week after, he is a Lift Operator on the Remarkables Mountain! I don't know how I am going to get up for work at 7am!! I haven't woke up before 10am in about a month!!! Haha.

 I will keep you informed of our snowboarding adventures!   


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