
Saturday 14 July 2012

The Season far

Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!  Mulled wine, snow, cosy nights in... But unfortunately it's only July! 

The Queenstown Winter Festival at the beginning of this month added to the Christmassy feeling. The festival  is to  'Welcoming Winter' and it was so much fun. the first night was filled with fireworks, live music and thousands of  different food stores. Throughout the two weeks there were a lot of events, such as suitcase racing on the mountains and dog races in the snow! There was also a drag queen race that the CEO of NZSki got involved in! It was so hilarious.  Sheep racing was also a lot of fun, it was actually one of the funniest things I have ever seen watching the sheep race and just over obstacles! The poor things! 

We are still having the time of our lives! Nick just gets to snowboard all day, well he works as a lifty so does a bit of shovelling as well but he is loving it. Working in the Cafe has been quite busy for me as it has been the kids holidays, but on my days off  I have been up the slopes!

So learning to Snowboard is not that easy! I have never had so many bruises in all my life!! Luckily Nick is being VERY patient with me and I am slowly starting to pick it up!

After my first lesson I picked up the basics pretty well... but then Nick took me on a chairlift.. the experience was terrifying!! And those things are IMPOSSIBLE to get off without falling over!! My first chair lift journey was pretty funny when we got to the top I just fell straight on top of Nick haha.. I have fallen on top of him a lot actually and chipped his beloved snowboard... OOPS!

When I first went up Nicks mountain it was actually freezing.. like minus 100 temp (OK maybe that's exaggeration but it was bloody cold!)  and you couldn't see a thing! It was pretty scary for me!! And ice was frozen to my cheeks!! TO MY CHEEKS! It wasn't a successful day. We went Night skiing as well... that was also pretty scary haha and very icy!!

Working on a mountain is pretty epic, the sunrise in the morning is so cool the whole sky goes pink and orange and it is amazing! Also most days we are above the clouds so while the rest of Queenstown are in horrible weather we are in the sun! 

We have had so many fun nights out with our new NZSki mates. Had a little FnB social the other day with the girls from work, was so much fun.. drank far too much Pinot Gris! We also have industry nights,  AJ Hackett Bunjee put on a night for us where they gave away 30 free bunjees  and 2 dollar drinks! It was so much fun, freezing though and people started jumping of the bridge naked... Pah! I wouldn't even take off my coat in this weather! We have another Staff night on Tuesday.. Staff night Ski with 2 dollar drinks! Cannot wait!


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