
Monday 25 February 2013

Wilsons Prom and Other Adventures


It is not a very nice day in Melbourne today, after 5 consecutive days above 30 it has started to rain and storm! Quite a welcome relief though to be honest, clearing up the muggy atmosphere! 

We have been here almost 4 months now and we are loving it! We were luck enough to get tickets to see the finals in the Oz open which was amazing. We spent most of the day going around the corporate stores and getting a lot of free merchandise, including a photo of us matrix style which you can see here. And the still image is below! 

We also managed to grab tickets to the Laneways Festival Melbourne. It was an amazing day, perfect sunny skies and awesome music, It was over in Footscray so we had to get a tram out there, everyone was going to the same event and the atmosphere was so exciting! We were right in the middle of the crowd for most of the day. 

We saw Flume, Alt- J (which were incredible), Of Monsters and Men, Bat for Lashes and a lot more other artists. The day went by so fast and I have definitely caught the festival bug, we are already looking in to the next festival and will probably head to Future Music in March! (funds allowing). 
Alt- J
Bat For Lashes
Of Monsters and Men
My best friends from University are over at the moment, they have come to visit after spending 3 weeks together in America. We are all cramped in our little apartment and they are on the floor! Its great fun though, and the first weekend they were here we went camping  down in Wilson's Prom. This is a national park to the South East of Melbourne and is the southern most part of Australia! We had a fantastic time. I only spent two days there as I had to get back to work on Monday, but the girls were there a bit longer. 

The drive from Melbourne is around 3 to 4 hours depending on Traffic and you need to set off early afternoon as the roads nearing the prom are very windy and small, and there are a lot of kangaroos hopping about which become a hazard at dusk. We were lucky enough to see a little Kangaroo on the side of the road, he stood there for about a minute before hopping off! SO CUTE! 

We arrived around 7pm on the Friday and it took all four of us three attempts to put the tent up!

We got there in the end though and went straight to the beach, it was pretty dark by this point but we could see out into the Tasmanian sea and were excited about how pretty it would all look in the morning! Our dinner consisted of Cereal, Chocolate and Sweets.. oops! 

The next day we were up quite early and went for a little walk to Squeaky beach, the views where breath taking and the walk was lovely. The beach didn't squeak as much as we would have liked but it was funny trying to make it squeak! We got there around midday and it started to get VERY hot so we made our way back to the camp for some lunch. 

It was boiling so we got in our togs and headed to the beach, the beach is lovely, perfect white sand and the sea is so clear!! .. It was still freezing in the sea though! 

That evening we went to see the sun set over the Tasmanian sea, it was so funny, we almost missed it, we had to run from our camp and all they way along the beach, we caught it just in time and got some beautiful photos as well as a few traveler style jumping pics! 

We went on a wombat hunt but had no luck, we ended up seeing one near the bathroom block when we went to brush our teeth before bed. We were all so excited stroking him as he was waddling away, he was so cute! Then we saw another Wombat, at 5am, we woke up to him eating our pasta! And they don't run away when you try to scare them off or shine your torch at them ,they are so docile and tame. 

I had to leave the next day, got the bus back to Melbourne which was BOILING! Not a bad experience though, made friends with an old lady. the girls ended up seeing an Emu and lots more Kangaroos so I was a bit gutted I missed it all!

This weekend another friend from Uni stayed over, and it was a boiling weekend, our little apartment had been turned in to a sauna! We went to St Kilda Friday night to see the little blue penguins. We had lunch and a few drinks in a bar on the beach and watched the sunset. 

Then we went to see the little blue penguin. It was amazing, a penguin was less than a meter away from us up on the rocks, he was out for about 20 minutes giving us a little show and flapping his wings!! Most of the penguins where in hibernation waiting for there fur to malt so they become water proof. They looked so cute and scruffy, we had a great time watching them, they just do the funniest things! 

 The next day we went for lunch on Chapel St which was lovely and then had a little look in Top Shop which was heaven and hell at the same time as all the clothes were beautiful and we couldn't afford any!! On Saturday night we went on down to White Night Melbourne which was an event celebrating the art of light. Buildings where lit up, pyrotechnics were everywhere and everything was free including a live band at Flinders street station. We had an amazing time! 

We had a BBQ the next day to calm our hangover which was a huge success! We are off to Great Ocean Road this weekend so hopefully the weather picks up! I have brought a new bikini and everything so will be a bit disappointing if I don't get to wear it! 


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