
Sunday 20 January 2013

Settling down in Melbourne


This is the final post of the five post updates, and here we are in Melbourne! We are here until the 3rd of June 2013, then travelling the East Coast of Oz before we fly to Asia for 9 weeks.

We love Melbourne and we were lucky enough to get an apartment right in the CBD for relatively cheap! It's super cute, we have two rooms this time, so it is literally double the size of our pad in Queenstown, and we have an epic view through our amazing corner window where we can see the sun set every night! 

We both got jobs pretty easily as well, I literally walked straight into one and Nick had one with in two weeks. We both work at Crazy Johns in the head office, which has been awesome, but unfortunately they are now merging with Vodafone so closing down, so as of the end of Feb we are both on the job hunt again. 

Melbourne is a fantastic city, it is busy, but not like pushy, everyone in a rush London busy, just busy enough to know you are some place cool. We have pretty much walked around the whole CBD now, and we have spent quite a few weekends just chilling on Federation Square which is awesome, there are always live bands playing and street artists. 

Spending Christmas in the summer was very bizarre  although there were a lot of Christmas decorations up around town, and a pretty incredible lights display on the Council house building, it just did not feel like Christmas at all. which is probably a good thing, otherwise we both would have been very homesick! 

We did have a great Christmas though. On Christmas eve we had a nice meal together and watched Elf with lots of unhealthy snacks. Then on Christmas day we had pancakes in the morning and spoilt each other rotten with presents. It was all very exciting! 

We had perfect weather on Christmas day, it wasn't too hot, but it was sunny and clear skies! So we went for a little walk around Carlton and ended up at Federation Square where we found a nice little bar and had some Christmas drinks! 

We went back to our apartment in the evening and carried on the festivities with a huuuuuuge Christmassy buffet (we don't have an oven so couldn't make Christmas dinner!), a few glasses of wine and quite a few games of Monopoly deal! It was a great day, and we skyped our families in the evening getting quite jealous as there Christmas had only just begun!  

We had the week between Christmas and New Year off work, so it was nice to chill out and have a lie in pretty much every day! We did quite a lot of exploring and visited St Kilda, which is lovely! We saw so many kite boarders while we were there which was amazing as we just watched them all do tricks and speeding along the waves.

On NYE our friend Jemma came round for a few drinks at our apartment before we headed off down to Federation Square to see the fire works. It was such a great night and the atmosphere was amazing, especially when everyone started counting down to the New Year! It was all so exciting! 

We still have a lot of exploring to do in Melbourne, it is such a huge city and there is SO much to do! It is Australia day next weekend and we are going to see the Mens Final in the Aus Open and Wolfmother, So that will be amazing!! Will keep you updated.


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