
Thursday 17 January 2013

The Mid Season Review


So by this time I had started to get quite a lot better at snowboarding thanks to Nicks incredible patients and free private lessons (NZSki perks) . I have made it down most of the blue runs on the mountains and I am pretty confident linking my turns so everything is going well!!

By the mid season, we pretty much knew everyone in Queenstown which meant lots of invitations to lots of house parties! This is probably the reason we did not save much whilst there, you really do end up knowing everyone as Queenstown is so small and everyone is there to do the same thing! As well as this most people are English and you will often find you have mutual friends.

There where a few days throughout August where mother nature didn't deliver and we were left with a mud slide rather than a beautiful white mountain! We used these days to usually continue a party or nurse a hangover, doing a ski season was a lot like going to University.. without the degree!

However on some of the days off we did use our time wisely. We did the Routeburn Track, thanks to the head of our retail shop who is a guide there in the summer. The whole of the track is 40km and takes 3 days to get from Queenstown to Milford Sound. However we just did the day walk to the first base camp. It was such a fun day, most of the girls from Coronet Peak went and we had a laugh. It was raining most of the time but we were under the tree's so quite sheltered. The track was quite easy until the last third, which was HARD! The terrain was not much of a path, some bits where quite vertical and I had forgotten my trainers so was doing it in my plimsolls! My feet were soaking ! Well worth it when we got to the top though, the views were amazing and we really did earn our lunch!

We also spent one of our days off on a friends farm, she lived only an hour away from Queenstown and her farm had been on the TV show Country Calendar,  The Parsons Farm, so quite famous really! We had a great time, only stayed for one night, but it was so lovely, we were all cosy by the log fire and we made a big dinner! In the day, we went down and had a ride on the horses, I had never been on a horse before, and I will NEVER go on one again!! What a terrifying experience, they are so high!! SO HIGH! And I did not know how to control it, I think I was up there for about 30 seconds before I jumped straight off!!

Me and Nick spend most of our days either working or snowboarding, Nick usually fits in both! Our social life was super busy mid season which is why our funds where always quite low and eating dinner out was the finest luxury!!


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