
Tuesday 25 June 2013



When we first arrived in Thailand we spent two nights in Bangkok in a lovely little hostel called Mile Map, which we loved so much we will be going back there before our flight to Hong Kong.

Bangkok is pretty much exactly how I imaged it would be, the roads are very busy, lots of people shouting 'Taxi, special price for you' and a lot of street stalls. The food from the street market smells delicious but you have no idea what meat is in any of it, so I avoided it all. 

We went to the Chatuchak weekend market which is about a 30 minute taxi ride out of the main streets of Bangkok. It's a fantastic market, like nothing I have ever seen! Most stalls have original hand crafted nick nacks and the prices are very low!

It is a huge place and I don't think we managed to make it around the whole thing! There was also an animal section of the stall which was a bit upsetting, obviously you where not allowed to take photo's as what they were doing wasillegal, the animals where in tiny cages and were clearly far too hot! It was quite sad really, so we moved swiftly on! 

On our second day in Bangkok (before the dreaded 16 hour bus journey to Koh Samui!) we headed to the Grand Palace. This place is incredible! We had to rent some clothes so that we could enter and once in, you are bombarded with people trying to sell you tours around the Palace, eventually you get past all of that and it is well worth the visit! 

Tourists are not allowed in side the walls of most of the palace, you are allowed inside to see the Emerald Buddha and a few other little places such as the old chair the king would sit on back in the day. The exterior is hugely impressive though and all the statues are in in perfect condition! 

It was a boiling hot day and took us about two hours to walk round the whole temple. We used my umbrella for shade! 

 We went back to the hostel in the afternoon and then boarded our bus which drove through the night for 16 hours to Koh Samui! Not an experience I would like to repeat again to be honest!! 

Sarah xxx 

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